When life gives you cucumbers, make pickles.
Pickles are vegetables that have been preserved in brine, which is a solution of vinegar, salt, and spices. Pickles can be made from a variety of vegetables, to include cucumbers, radishes, cauliflower and more. Pickles can be sweet, sour, salty, hot, or all of the above. Each region of the world has its own favorite varieties. Americans consume roughly 2.5 billion pounds of pickles, or 9 pounds of pickles per person, per year!
Archeologists believe humans have been pickling since 2400 B.C. when the ancient Mesopotamians discovered immersing produce in a brine or vinegar to extend the life of foods for either travel or to enjoy out of season. When cucumbers were brought in from India around 2000 B.C., pickling them was tried and the rest is history.
Christopher Columbus brought with him on his adventures, Amerigo, a man who not only sold pickles in Spain but also knew the benefits of stocking the ships with enough pickles to help prevent scurvy during their voyage. Columbus even stopped in Haiti to grow more cucumbers for their voyage home. America got its name from Amerigo.
How pickles are made:
- Cucumbers are soaked in brine.
- The vinegar helps preserve the pickles and gives them a sour taste.
- Sugars or other sweeteners are used to add sweetness.
- Spices like dill, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, garlic, and black pepper are sometimes added to create other flavors.
Health benefits
Pickles that are fermented in brine contain probiotics that improve digestion and gut health.
The antioxidants and vitamins in pickles can strengthen the immune system. Pickling vegetables makes them more nutritious and easier to digest. During fermentation, bacteria produce vitamins as they digest vegetable matter. Kimchi, a traditional pickled cabbage dish in Korea contains double the levels of vitamins B₁, B₂ and B₁₂, and niacin as unfermented cabbage. Pickles contain vitamins K, A, and C, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. However, pickles are high in sodium – so they should be consumed in moderation.
Two ways to pickle:
Vinegar pickles – These are not fermented; they are preserved using distilled white vinegar. They are usually pasteurized, a heating process that slightly cooks the pickles, and rids the pickles of any bacteria. These pickles are not crisp, instead have a soft, chewy texture. They can stay in their jar on the pantry shelf for a long time.
Fermented pickles are soaked in salty water to ferment the cucumber. The brine kills the harmful bacteria. These pickles will be crisp and crunchy.
Four Types of pickles:
Dill Pickles – The most popular type of pickle. Lots of dill is used in their vinegar or brine. Dill pickles can be served whole, sliced or in chips. Dill pickles are great served with almost anything, like potato salad and hot dogs.
Kosher Dill Pickles – These pickles are not necessarily made using the dietary standards of traditional Jewish law. Instead, the kosher description refers to a pickling process used by Jewish immigrants in New York City. These pickles are made with kosher salt and garlic.
Bread-and-Butter Pickles – These pickles have sugar added to the pickling liquid which gives them their distinctive sweet and sour flavor. In addition to sugar, celery seed, mustard seed and turmeric are added. They are said to be the most delectable, all-around pickle. Bread & Butter pickles are delicious on burgers, sloppy joes, and sandwiches.
Gherkins and Cornichons – Gherkins are baby cucumbers with bumpy skin that are pickled. They are often sold in the sweet variety and are eaten whole. Cornichons are the French version of Gherkins. They are marinated in vinegar and tarragon, which gives them a tart taste. Cornichons are often served as a garnish for sandwiches, grilled cheese, and hot dogs.
Pickle products
A ‘Best Mustard’ hit has been French’s Creamy Dill Pickle Mustard Spread. It is a mash-up of yellow mustard and pickle brine which produces a tangy condiment for pickle lovers. A pack of four 12 oz bottles is $20.10.
Grillos Classic Dill Pickles Spears are made from a 100-year-old family recipe. They are made with no preservatives and are made cold, shipped cold and sold cold. They are crisp, clean, and fresh. 32 fl oz for $7.99.
Our friends who love pickles say that everything Braswell’s makes is delicious. They especially love the pickled okra. It is made using their signature small batch recipe, crisp okra, savory pickling spices and tangy vinegar. 25.8 oz. jar is $19.45.
Maille cornichons come highly recommended. They are crunchy and flavorful. They perk up potato salad and grilled cheese sandwiches. A pack of two 13.5 fl. oz. jars is $14.00.
Bubbies bread & butter pickles are considered a traditional snacking pickle. They are crisp, fresh, and tart. One 33 oz. jar is $9.69.
Did you know…?
- Mason jars were invented for pickling.
- Shakespeare is credited with coining the phrase ‘in a pickle’.
- Cleopatra is said to have believed that eating pickles would preserve her beauty.
- Julius Caesar and other Roman emperors ordered their soldiers to eat pickles to build muscle.
- In Russia, pickle juice is a traditional hangover cure.