Legendary child actor Corey Feldman’s controversial documentary, My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys, was screened for the first time in March. The explosive effort lays down a manifesto for Feldman’s grassroots activism against what he perceives to be the “biggest problem in Hollywood”: systemic pedophilia. Corey names several notable individuals in Hollywood that took part in alleged abuse against Feldman and his deceased best friend, Corey Haim. The pair are best known for starring together as the “Two Coreys” in a string of massively successful 80’s blockbusters, including The Lost Boys and License to Drive.
“We made history with our sales records leading up to the release of the film,” Feldman told me over a phone call; a digital stream of the film costs $20. My Truth was to be premiered at its own red carpet event and streamed for ticket purchasers at home simultaneously. However, things didn’t go as planned.
“That night, at the premiere, when it was supposed to play, it didn’t. We did a full investigation, and a report was sent to the FBI. The film was attacked in a massive way. It was a ‘DDOS’ attack. A disruption of service. They shut down our income stream by not allowing us to sell tickets anymore.”
Things got more convoluted. “They then copied the script off of our original webpage, and purchased the domains for their own version of our webpage… an exact copy of our webpage, the URL being off by one letter. It included the ticket sales, increasing their price, and somehow got it to appear first in Google searches, having people visit their site instead of our’s. Our film got shut down, and our forty thousand fans waiting to see the movie didn’t get to see it… if you went to the wrong site by accident, you could find out it was registered AND built on that day, and they were selling tickets while our movie was defunct and not able to be played.”
A confusing sequence of events, but things would end up running smoothly after the premiere hijinks. By Feldman’s word, his documentary is a must watch that a sinister cabal is actively trying to prevent you from seeing yourself. Their lackeys are a bunch of internet trolls and hackers called “The Wolfpack”, who have supposedly made attempts on his life. Feldman even fled the country after the botched premiere of the documentary, fearing his safety.
Others would disagree.
“[The charge to watch Feldman’s documentary] goes towards bullshit, apparently,” says an actor in a show on a major streaming service. “It goes to his lifestyle, and nothing to do with production.”
“Let’s just say that he has always run his own games, at least for the more than 30 years I have been in LA,” another voice said. “If you think it was a carefully crafted con, then it was.” Many have voiced concerns that the names dropped in Corey’s documentary, including Charlie Sheen (who vehemently denies any allegations), were names already in the stratosphere of public knowledge, thus making the documentary redundant.
“There’s a lot of confusion and deceit over my intentions behind it,” Corey told me, crediting a massive disinformation campaign. “[The documentary] wasn’t about holding out on names. I wasn’t doing it for money. It’s all BS. You don’t just throw these massive allegations out there, and if you do, they aren’t even taken seriously… we’ve named the names many times, but that doesn’t get us anywhere. What gets us somewhere is the details.”
Corey says the film cost $1.3 million to merely insure, giving himself and some friends he brought in to give first hand testimonies a little more leverage and credibility: “The point I’m trying to make is that it’s about the details in the story. People go, ‘well, why don’t you just name the names already?’ When someone says, ‘well, I don’t need to see the movie, because I already know the names’, that’s not true. It’s not a sensationalized tattletale from myself .”
The documentary is also intended as a “guide” to the overall issue of pedophilia, even outside of Hollywood: “I explain to people how the process of pedophilia works, how it can happen to your kids too, and what you can do to prevent it from happening. That’s why I did something different for this documentary. I broke down a detailed report with several eyewitnesses with important evidence, putting it together in a way that tells a story: this is what happened, and these are people who grew up with us and saw exactly what was happening, and are able to convey their versions of the story. That’s what makes it so compelling.”
Corey hopes that his efforts will have wider ramifications on the American legal system and its “flawed” system of “statute of limitations”, which effectively gives a narrow window of time for victims to report their abuse: “I’m an advocate and national ambassador for Child USA. I promote the idea that you can fight back and get justice through the court system. We work to change the laws and the statute of limitations in both your state of New York and my state of California. Victims would have a longer period to report the crimes that happened to them as children.”
Considering the number of people currently locked in their homes, Corey hopes enough people will see his documentary, bringing their newfound awareness of systemic pedophilia into the “New Normal” pushed by many Politicians in a post COVID-19 world. However, Corey explains that he knows how this period of quarantine can have negative ramifications: “For the children who have predators at home, this is a dangerous time. Child USA was kind enough to put out a viewer’s guide for the film. If you have PTSD from abuse, or if you don’t know how to deal with it when watching the movie, we give you tips, helping people who get triggered when watching the film. Even though we are all safe inside from this disease, this other disease is running rampant in the world, pedophilia, a very scary and very dangerous disease, because it affects our children. You don’t realize that that disease is carried home with you as well. Many of these victims happened with an internal situation in the family, and it’s way more common than you think.”
“Funny you should say that,” I mentioned, adding that I wasn’t trying to steer the conversation into a more hardline political debate, “but have you been keeping up with Andrew Cuomo’s daily updates in New York?”
Cuomo recently told the press, “Domestic violence on the increase? Very bad, but not death. Not the death of someone else,” implying abuse to be a temporary sacrifice for the greater good of flattening the curve of COVID-19.
“That’s a very ignorant thing to say, and I’m shocked he said it publicly,” Feldman responded. “It’s that ignorance that drives the abuse. People are always so eager to look the other way.”
“No one wants to call out their father, brother, mother, sister. Nobody! It’s an embarrassment to the family name. It’s more crap to deal with. Who wants to have a family dinner where everyone knows the uncle or the father is a pedophile? Nobody wants to talk about it. Everyone’s gonna come to that dinner and pretend that it never happened. It’s the same thing that happens in the Church and the Boy Scouts, and it’s the same thing that happens in Hollywood. You are trained to look the other way, and it makes you an accomplice.”
Before moving on, Feldman offered some intriguing insight into Andrew Cuomo’s previous efforts to support his own cause: “However, I will say he was the guy to sign the Child Victims Law, and I was there in Albany, fighting with Republican senators who were refusing to sign the law! When we finally got the CVA pushed through, it was Cuomo who signed it into law and created a budget for it. I have to be grateful for that.”
Feldman credits Cuomo and his actions in pushing the law as helping to bring down infamous sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, giving his victims a one year window to come forward. However, the unfortunate timing of the COVID-19 epidemic has eaten up much of that time by keeping the courts closed. Feldman pleads to Cuomo: “there is no better time to extend the CVA!”
The conversation took on an even darker turn when Corey claimed about follow up attacks on his camp by “The Wolfpack” and their benefactors: “They sent ‘child torture porn’ to the woman that runs my website. She’s a sweet little lady. She’s a victim herself… they hoped she would send it or forward it to me. At that point, it would have been a federal crime on us. Once you receive something like that in your inbox, if you forward it to anybody, you are now a felon. You’ve just sent illegal pornography of children. She’s obviously a smart woman, and she didn’t send it anywhere. She just called the FBI and made another report, one which has not been followed up upon. I wanna say it is a federal crime for the FBI to NOT follow up on this. I wanna know what they’re waiting for.”
Through all this alleged darkness, is there a glimmer of hope within Hollywood? Feldman’s allegations and documentary notwithstanding, it seems as if every day a new Harvey Weinstein-type scandal hits the news. The answer is a resounding “yes”, according to Feldman, who pointed to the bonds formed on the movie sets where nothing went wrong.
“There IS a poignancy to all of this. You look at the cast of The Goonies. Every time we are told that we are doing a reunion… I don’t care if you are Josh Brolin, and you’re winning Oscars, or you’re Martha Plimpton and you’re winning Tony Awards. Or you’re Corey Feldman, and you’re just fighting for children’s rights. Whatever part of that cast you are, you are excited and thrilled to get on that call. WE love each other like a family. Ever since that day we shot that Zoom reunion, we have been emailing each other on a daily basis. We are so happy to be reconnected in a way that cuts through all the B.S. That shows you the beauty and the magic of what a set and a group of people can be in a group in Hollywood, when there are no fraudulent or bad actors on that particular set.”
Feldman names Steven Spielberg, Richard Donner, and Chris Colombus as three individuals who have completely clean hands. They are the model to follow within Hollywood, and he encourages them and others to rally behind his cause to fight for a better future: “First, we need to show our support of ‘KidsToo’. That’s what matters right now. If everyone could stop for a moment and realize that even though everyone jumped on the ‘MeToo’ bandwagon, and everyone was wearing black for the SAG awards: what about the children? Can we all keep marching on pretending this is NOT affecting our children? When you see every child star outside of me and some others falling prey to drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, institutions? It seems that’s what happens to 90% of the children that come out of this. It’s not everywhere, and it’s not everybody, but it’s deeply interwoven.”
It’s a complicated and hard to believe drama, but during our conversation, Corey Feldman sounded like an authoritative voice on the issues presented in his documentary. Even after this cycle of promoting My Truth is over, Corey pledges to fighting for children’s welfare. “We protected the women and called out the sexual predators against women. It worked. And now, since I have supported that movement, I would appreciate everyone who stood up for #MeToo to stand up for #KidsToo. It should have been first.”