The start of 2020 caught everyone off guard, and honestly, no one was expecting 2020 to bring this much drama and tragedy. George Floyd’s passing sparked a global uprising against police brutality on social media, news outlets and in cities around the world. We’ve seen videos and heard stories of similar experiences for years now, and it all culminated in late May.
The world was hurt and angry, protesting not only for Floyd but also for others like Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Elijah McClain and Tamir Rice. The world was no longer going to stay silent on these tragedies that were happening in Black communities—and haven’t stopped.
Black people are disproportionately killed at the hands of the police, and it’s continuing to happen with each video going circulating social media that depicts another Black person dying at the hands of the police.
The latest horrible video going around social media (that doesn’t need to be shared because his family is facing enough pain), twenty-nine-year-old Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back atpoint-blank range.
Blake was allegedly trying to break up an altercation between two women when the cops pulled up to address the situation. In the video, Blake walks away toward his car with the police following closely behind and then shooting him in the back. Blake did survive the shooting and will be paralyzed from the waist down, according to his dad.
Blake’s altercation with the police is just one of dozens of tragic incidents with the police that have happened this year. Here is a timeline of some of the major instances of police brutality and racist killings in America in 2020:
February 25 – Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old Black male, was fatally shot by two civilians while jogging in Georgia.
March 13 – Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black EMT, was shot by police eight times when entering her apartment while she was sleeping when they executed a no-knock search warrant in Louisville, Kentucky.
May 25 – George Floyd, a 46-year-old black male who was killed in Minneapolis during an arrest allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill.
June 12 – Rayshard Brooks was shot by an officer when a complaint filed against Brooks was asleep in the restaurant drive through line.
August 23 – Jacob Blake was shot seven times by police while trying to break up a fight between two women in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
These are just five out of countless other victims killed in the from police brutality and racism, and there are still many cases that are popping up every day with the same scenario of a black male shot by the police. All those protestors that are out there every day only want justice for the victims that have lost their lives.
News outlets can misconstrue protesting.
Just because you don’t see it on the five o’ clock news doesn’t mean that protests aren’t still happening. In places like Portland, Seattle, Chicago and Detroit, protesting is still going on strong. There are many places that are still having protests, and the police riots have not stopped either.
Portland protestors getting hit with tear gas, rubber bullets, and beaten.
People are still protesting because they are demanding justice against police brutality.
News coverage on the police brutality protests can both help and hinder the protests. Since the protests began, many news outlets have covered the stories as a way of inciting fear that the protesters are destroying cities by focusing on the negative stories instead of seeing the bigger picture.
In a recent study from the Pew Research Center, half of U.S. adults (51%) say nonviolent protests against police brutality are getting too little coverage. I believe that to be true—not only with the protests but also with any news; we can change that by focusing on the good and focusing on the message that Black Lives Matter is trying to send.
We aren’t here for violence, nor do we care for it; we just want the world to acknowledge what’s wrong and what’s right.