Masks are the season’s must-have accessory. Nab one from a local designer.

Photograph by Wedig + Laxton
Yes, this is for real! Yolanda Owens of Iwi Fresh Farm-to-Skin Spa makes aromatherapeutic masks like this one of basil, mint, rosemary, and anise hyssop. They have a fabric lining (and you can also add an additional filter), last for weeks, and cost $35.

Photograph by Wedig + Laxton
The Bombchel Factory
Batik reversible African cloth beard mask, $30

Photograph by Wedig + Laxton
Sock Fancy x Greg Mike
“Loudmask Blue,” $12 (kids’ masks for $9)

Photograph by Wedig + Laxton
Abbey Glass

Photograph by Wedig + Laxton
Bill Hallman x Second Helpings Atlanta
Palm print, $20
This article appears in our September 2020 issue.