Photograph by Ben Rollins
“My parents are hippies,” says Rigel Cable, better known as Rigel Gemini. “My first name is a star in the constellation Orion.” Born on the first day of Gemini, the data director by day/influencer by night epitomizes cosmic duality in his life and style.
Neighborhood East Atlanta
Breakout moment L.A. Fashion Week. One day, my husband said, You need another hobby that’s not shopping. You’re a good writer. You should blog and share on social. Being invited to be an ambassador for LAFW allowed me to connect with people who were really going after their dreams. It was transformative.
Style mantra Fashion is a tool to lift elements about yourself and morph into different aspects of you. One moment, I am a buttoned-up suit, and the next, I am a genderfluid piece with a statement necklace.
Your song Anything Gaga, especially “Telephone”

Photograph by Ben Rollins
Following Aquaria, B. Hawk Snipes, Joey Thao, Alexx Mayo
Shopping staples COS, Mr. Turk, Bloomingdale’s
Alter egos Bright and bubbly vs. dark and wild
Quarantine date night Watching RuPaul’s Drag Race on a Friday night with our dog
Horoscope I see live performance in my future once we can do things together again. I can’t wait to experience the energy of my music with others!
Activism My favorite organizations in support of the LGBTQ+ community are Transcending Barriers, Lost-n-Found Youth, and TLDEF
This article appears in our October 2020 issue.