The modern world is full of convenient solutions to complex problems. But whether the word ‘solution’ is accurate for many ills – such as weight loss, mental health, or personal wealth – is highly debatable. Ultimately, solutions can be short-term or long-term. In scenarios where many require a long-term solution, the current culture will hand them a short-term one, prolonging and convoluting the problem. When it comes to one’s mindset specifically, a sustainable shift is often required to truly solve the issue at hand and reach a desirable outcome.
Jake and Whitney Roehl, the married couple who own Steadfast Life Coaching, are one of the few in the life coaching business committed to providing a long-term shift for their clients. The duo makes a point of planting their flag firmly outside of the quick fixes department and professes to help clients reverse engineer their mentality and achieve more positive experiences in their day-to-day lives. What’s most exciting about the venture is its future as the Roehls take full advantage of the opportunities of 21st-century technology to further their destiny across America and around the globe.
The Steadfast Life Coaching Approach
Steadfast Life Coaching’s founders have a Christian background and openly employ aspects of their faith into their approach as professionals. But what makes Jake and Whitney’s offering genuinely unique is how they reconcile Christian values with secular mindset coaching.
“We love our church, but sometimes the application of its ideas can be difficult in the messiness of life,” Jake explains. “We love mindset work, but sometimes it can be presented in a way that is a bit arrogant and self-centered. Steadfast Life Coaching stands in this gap so that Christians can benefit from the amazing tools that come from the secular world of self-help while simultaneously honoring their core religious values.”
Beyond bridging the void between Christian servitude principles and active self-improvement methods, Steadfast’s take on life coaching differs in its sustainability. Rather than having a blinkered view solely on the headlines of an individual’s lifestyle, the harmonious pair allow their clients space to consider the journey their mentality goes through. They do away with short-term hacks in favor of assuring clients that the answers they are looking for may already be out there; they simply need to be able to see and appreciate them.
Bringing Steadfast Life Coaching Into The Digital Age
While the couple has already made notable innovations – including the delegation of Jake as Assistant Life Coach, empowering Whitney to lead client sessions – the future of their coaching service promises more intriguing developments. With the Roehls discovering a unified, frictionless way to guide clients, the door is open for expansion in the near future.
At present, the Steadfast Life Coaching Service is increasingly finding itself on an online footing. In addition to conducting client sessions over the internet, Jake and Whitney offer mindset and weight-loss courses, daily devotions, mediations, and more through their online membership scheme. A self-described ‘ecosystem of growth,’ it has drawn the blueprint for a landmark vehicle for life coaching’s transition into the post-Netflix world.
Trust U is the name of Steadfast’s new digital coaching membership. Subverting the culture of structured online courses, the on-demand service offers users more of a self-paced seek-and-solve experience. The approach is more in line with the ethos that permeates Jake and Whitney’s overall offering: there are no rights and wrongs when it comes to mindset, only personal experiences.
A Real World Vision
Jake and Whitney Roehl’s business may see the majority of its success online, but that doesn’t prevent the couple from holding impassioned aspirations for the future of their mission.
As their reputation for comprehensive mindset services spreads throughout the country, the pair plan to travel the USA in their camper. The trip, which builds on several adventures Jake and Whitney have led in the past, looks to see them take part in speaking engagements, partner with other industry leaders, build relationships with clients and serve local churches. The experiences that littler their past, such as mountain climbing and surfing, are ones they hope to share with communities, broadening people’s horizons and empowering their mentalities.
By the time the book is closed on Steadfast Life Coaching, Jake and Whitney Roehl hope to have built the number one Christian coaching platform on the planet with Trust U and served clients and communities nationwide. For a pair with a standout professional offering, it’s a humble yet hopeful ambition.