During COVID-19 lock-down, there’s been a surge in pet adoptions; spending all of our time confined at home can be lonely, and now that we’re stuck in this for a while longer, what better time than now to take on the responsibility of caring for a furry friend?
But with this surge in pet adoptions, it’s important to note what you need to keep your little guy safe. And while we know our pets love us unconditionally, we all know that cats and dogs are adventurous little buggers with a knack for exploring. Though you may assume that they’re safe now under our constant watch, who will keep an eye out for them when we’re all back to work and going back to our regular schedules? Dog-sitters are expensive and you don’t have the time to keep a constant watch on the feed from an in-home security system, so what will you do to keep your pet safe while you’re gone? With Tractive‘s GPS tracking system, you don’t need to spend money on a sitter or watch footage of your pet all day.
Tractive is a real-time GPS tracker that can keep you connected to your pet–cat or dog–wherever they go. Here’s how it works

After you purchase a Tractive GPS tracking device for your cat or dog, you’ll be asked about a subscription plan. There are two plans: basic and premium. Basic, which starts at $5.39 a month, allows you to track your pet in 2-60 minute intervals and offers unlimited live tracking in 2-3 second intervals. Premium, which starts at 4.99 a month, offers both of these features as well as the ability to share the tracking with friends and family, you receive unlimited location history, GPS Data export, premium customer service and more. The different plans allow you to pick your preference on payment intervals; you can pay monthly, yearly or every two years.
With Tractive’s worldwide coverage, your pet can be located no matter where they may be. With a virtual fence (Geofence) you can get notified immediately when your pet wanders beyond the fenced area. The live tracking offers real-time tracking, so you can update your pet’s location every 2-3 seconds. The device is robust and 100% waterproof, so you won’t have to fear your pet damaging it while they’re out splashing in puddles and rolling the grass.
For a limited time, Tractive is offering their GPS devices for just $50. For an additional 7% off, click this link and use the code PETGPS10.