It’s tough to determine if Matt Wittek, founder of Fill it Forward, is more concerned about the plague of single use plastics polluting the global oceans or the global water crisis that is undermining the health of hundreds of millions of people around the world. He couldn’t decide, either, so he launched a company to deal with both.
Fill it Forward, headquartered for the duration of the pandemic in Wittek’s home outside of Toronto, Canada, a certified B Corporation, which means social impact is as important as profit. The company markets refillable water bottles, multi-use shopping bags, and “trackers” (which are not as ominous as they sound) which allow people to donate to charities working on local solutions to water shortages. The trick is to use your smartphone to scan a bar code on the water bottle or bag each time you use it to trigger a small donation to a designated charity. The trackers can be attached to a reusable bottle or bag you already own, which can then be scanned to trigger the donation.
While having a loftier purpose than just profit, Fill it Forward is competing for corporate giving just like any other company selling the swag you get at every corporate conference. The difference is that Fill it Forward swag meshes beautifully with both corporate team building initiatives and with corporate giving. While Fill it Forward guarantees a small donation from its own funds with each scan of a tracker, the real money comes from companies that make guaranteed donations each time a team member scans. The data, which Fill it Forward does not sell, updates individuals on how much single use plastic that have not used, how much has been donated by their scans, and cumulative totals for the team.
Over the last year, as public attention shifted to hunger caused by pandemic unemployment, Fill it Forward added a reusable grocery bag that can be scanned to donate to a food pantry. We asked Wittek about running a business that is a lot like a nonprofit, the global problems it is trying to help solve, and how it all worked out during the pandemic when the corporate events that drove its business ceased.
GD: What do you actually sell?
MW: We do sell reusable water bottles, and we just launched a reusable bag. The personal reuse trackers people can add to their own bottles. We also have corporate partners who fund projects.
GD: What shape do corporate partnerships take?
MW: It would come with a standard tracking and we determine where the funds go, to which specific partnerships. Our corporate partners usually fund one giving project. The partner has committed to fund the project.
Some clients just buy the trackers and give those to their employees. They can just add those to their own reusables, or fund a particular project.
GD: We have lots of reusable bags and water bottles at our house, and we get requests for charitable donations everyday. Don’t you face a lot of competition, for lack of a better word, both to sell water bottles and as a charitable appeal?
MW: If you have a water bottle at your house, we think that’s great and we don’t want to sell you another bottle. We hope you get a personal reuse tracker and maybe use that bottle more often than you might because now you are engaged with that experience. Same for the reusable bags. We don’t see other product companies as our competitors. In some ways we are collaborating to tackle this issue of single-use plastic waste. As far as charitable giving, I don’t see it as competitive. This is a new way to give that is fun and engaging.
GD: Did the pandemic affect operations at Fill it Forward?
MW: It affected us a lot. We were doing a lot in the corporate event space, and that requires people getting together. We were doing a lot with universities, and of course that market was suffering, as well. But what I would say it allowed us to invest a lot more resources and time and energy into projects we had been thinking about. We launched a reusable bag, and every time you use it you scan it to donate to food banks. Fortunately, we were able to keep our team together and moving forward. In some ways, we saw our programming as being more important than ever. We created a virtual program where people could scan it from home and continue giving. We believe people are naturally generous.
GD: There is a need for clean drinking water, but there are a lot of needs. What caused you to focus on water?
MW: I left my job in 2012 to start this company. My wife was pregnant with our third daughter at the time. I was working in the basement, overlooking the backyard, and I watched my kids playing in the backyard while I was reading about how water shortages around the globe were hurting mothers and children the most. I felt fortunate that we have clean water just by turning on the tap, so I started doing more research into the global water crisis. What struck me was how little money it takes to make an impact. I just got off the phone with one of our partners, Charity Water, and they told me $40 is enough to provide drinking water to someone for life. Forty dollars! It just felt like an issue we could get behind and get people engaged with.